Officially Moving

Well, we are moving. Our house was listed for sale on Wednesday of last week. On Friday of last week we started showing it. We had 18 showings from Friday morning to Saturday afternoon. We had 8 offers. It all happened very fast. I am so thankful the house has sold, but I will say that it has been a little stressful. Keeping the house spotless with two (2) young boys has been a challenge. The biggest challenge has been keeping our carpet clean. Fannie, for example, throws up no less than two (2) times per day. We had the carpets professionally cleaned last weekend so Fannie has been locked in the garage for almost 10 days. We thought we had this problem licked until Saturday morning at 12:30 a.m. when Finn came into our room and told us that he had thrown up. Finn sleeps on the top bunk so when he throws up, it goes everywhere - including the carpet. You know what they say about best laid plans. Well, we cleanin...