Hot Chocolate 2016

On Saturday, Dad, Emily and I participated in the Hot Chocolate Run.  Last year at this time I was in tip top shape and ran the 15K.  This year, I was lazy, pregnant and decided to walk the 5K. Emily graciously walked with me.  

Despite our super slow pace, we started in Coral C - which specifically said "no walkers."  So, we ran for about the first minute and then found a nice spot on the sidewalk to start our long, cold walk to the finish. 

It was really, really cold.  I think it was right at 20 degrees.  Since we weren't running I never really warmed up. Dad ran it of course - and did really well.  He finished in 28 minutes. 

Em and I, on the other hand, took our time.  While all the other people around us were running their guts out, we stopped at the chocolate stops and leisurely ate chocolate while the runners dodged us.  

After crossing the finish line we went over to pick up our "spoils" of victory.  So yes, I ate more chocolate.  The only problem was that my hands were so cold that I couldn't hardly use them.  

After the race I headed straight to the church for Finn's basketball game.  Finn made two goals!  He is still trying to guard people while on offense - but we are making progress.  Next we had breakfast with Brandon and Carissa. 

Later in the day we went to look at a house.  Yes, we have decided to put our house on the market.  It is scheduled to be listed tomorrow.  You might ask - with a new job and a new baby is it really the best time to be doing this?  The answer, of course, is no, but we are excited and going to give it a try anyway. I must admit that I am really nervous.  Houses in Sumner County are selling within days so we are having a hard time finding anything that we want to buy. In fact, we went to look at one on Saturday that we really liked, but it sold on our way over. Bummer. 

We did manage to look at two more.  They were both awful.  Really, discouragingly awful. Finn and Sam loved them both.  They especially loved the basement in the first house.  While the agent was showing us around Finn and Sam were rolling on their stomach in the floor.  

Later than evening Michael and boys watched the NBA All-Star competitions.  Finn was so into it.  It was really sweet. 


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