The Fourth of July

Well the Begley clan had a pretty big Fourth of July celebration. Finn and I started the day by making a quick run to Wal-Mart to pick up some oatmeal. Then we got ready for our day with with Emily, Zac, Coop, Hank, Nana and Papa. We all met over at Em's house for a little playing, a little swimming and a lot of eating.

When we first got there we all sat upstairs and watched the boys play in Cooper's playroom. Finn was absolutely amazed at all the toys.

Then we decided to go to the pool. After getting the boy lathered up, we all loaded in the back of Zac's truck like the Clampetts and headed to the pool.

With respect to those who would rather not be seen in a bathing suit on the blog, I have omitted the swimming pictures. We didn't get to swim too terribly long because it started looking like it was going to storm so we were only out for an hour.

Once we got back home we had dinner. Greg made the best ribs I have ever put in my mouth. To end the evening Finn and Cooper spent some time going through Cooper's big tent tunnel.

Afterwards we went back home and put Finn to bed. I think he ended up going to sleep around 7:00. He was completely exhausted due to all the playing and swimming!


  1. Does Finn's shirt say what I think it says? Congratulations!!!!

  2. I completely missed that!!!! Next thought was that you borrowed it from Coop. Congratulations Erin!!

  3. Love the announcement! I read the whole post and thought Leah should frame that group picture, it is so good of all of them. Later Kara calls and ask me if I read your blog, I said yes and she says you better look again! I am so happy for you all, Congratulations!

  4. Nothing makes my day more than hearing from all the Farris women! Thanks girlies - we are 12 weeks along.

  5. Totally caught what Finn's shirt said...CONGRATS!!! How very exciting for you and your precious little family, Erin :-D


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