TV Off

This morning after breakfast I was sitting on the couch, drinking a cup of coffee and watching a special on the new Harry Potter movie. Finn was sitting in the floor playing with his toys. After a few minutes he looked up at me and very seriously said, "Mama, TV off!" I immediately turned the TV off. Finn then looked at me and said "mama, play puzzles." I immediately got in the floor and Finn and I started playing puzzles. I was both tickled with Finn and a little embarrassed at the same time.

Around 12:00 Finn took a three hour nap. At the same time I took a two hour nap and then finished the rest of my Harry Potter book. After Finn woke up from his nap we blew up his new swimming pool and we spent the next two and half hours outside. Finn liked the pool a lot until we attached the water slide. He liked the slide somewhat, but did not like water sprinkling on him. After we had been out for while Gran and Pa stopped by. Pa came by to tell us all goodbye; he left today for a job in Mississippi. Gran stayed at the house and helped Finn water the plants.


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