Day 2

Well today Finn woke up with Grandad at 5:30. I didn't get up until 6:30. By 8:00 we were all on the beach. Finn left a few minutes earlier with Grandad and Gigi and Michael and I took the sky walk over to the other side of the resort where we found the best pool ever. I had no idea this pool was here - it was quite a find.

The seaweed on the beach was much better today. Finn still was not really keen on getting in the water but had a ball playing in the sand. Today he played with his rake, shovel, bucket and sand castle toys (shaped like a train and a boat). First he and daddy made sand shapes. Then we dug a big hole. Finn enjoyed the hole! He would help me scoop out sand and then we would put his feet in it. He really enjoyed when Grandad started filling the hole up with water! Around 9:00 we went to big pool where Finn jumped off the side to to me (without me holding his hands) for the first time. He also paddled around in his boat for a few minutes. I am so happy that Finn loves the water so much. I really do think he is ready to swim. I know he isn't old enough to swim, but he really wanted for me to let go of him so that he could swim to his daddy. While we were swimming Grandad took Finn over the waterfall in the middle of the pool. Finn was not fond of the waterfall - he was desperately trying to climb over Dad to get to get away. He also let us dunk him under the water today. When we came back up out of the water he would say "wipey eyes" but he didn't cry.

Around 10:30 we were all starving so we walked around the the pool area to dry off and then went back to the room. A big golf cart drove us over the sky bridge and back to the room.

Finn hasn't been that excited about eating these last few days so after only a few bites of his sandwich Finn asked to watch VeggieTales. After only a few songs we looked and saw that Finn was sound asleep sitting up but slouched over. We moved him to his bed and he slept for a little over two hours. While Finn was asleep I went back out to the pool for a few minutes.

After retiring from the sun for the day Gina and I went to by shrimp for dinner. Once back at the condo we boiled the shrimp and ate. After dinner Michael, Finn and I played golf outside the room. Michael would hit the ball and Finn would go get them. He also enjoyed running up the big, tall mounds. We ended up hitting the ball around for about an hour and half. Then we gave Finn a bath. During his bath Finn started crying and saying cement truck over and over again. We attempted to take the cement truck away from him and he would cry harder. After a few minutes we finally noticed that Finn's thumb was stuck in the truck. No matter how hard we pulled we couldn't get that truck off of his thumb. Finally we ended up cutting it off.

By 8:00 Finn was exhausted and went to bed without a hitch. Thankfully he slept the whole night.


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