Day 4: On the Road Again

Well Tuesday was our last day at the Beach. I woke up around 7:30 to an empty house. When I say empty I mean no Finn, Grandad or Gigi. Everyone else was asleep. I quickly ate breakfast and then got ready to go down to the beach. Gina ended up coming back while I was packing up and we walked down together.

Finn was fussier than normal while on the beach this morning. He was so preoccupied with protecting his toys from the tide that he couldn't enjoy himself. After about an hour he asked to go to the pool.

We had a nice time at the pool until Finn started getting fussy around 11:00. Michael and I took him back up to the room and put him to bed. He slept for almost 3 hours; one more reason I love being at the beach. While Finn was snoozing Michael and I snuggled on the couch and watched Inception.

After Finn woke up we made a "not so quick" trip to Sonic and then back to the pool. Finn played with his school bus in the water with Grandad and Daddy and then we all dried off and went to the room. The Begley clan all took showers and then I started dinner. While I was getting Dinner ready Grandad and Gigi went to the store. Upon their return I learned that they didn't actually make to the store but instead stopped to have a shirt made for Finn. It was a airbrush shirt with a train on it that had Finn's name and Panama City Beach, 2011. It was so cute.

After dinner Finn played with Grandad and Gigi while Michael and I packed the car. After everything was packed and ready to go we said our goodbyes. In true fashion, I cried after leaving; so did Finn. He was not happy about leaving Grandad and Gigi.

It was about 7:45 when we hit the road. We decided to travel at night so as to allow Finn to sleep as much as possible. We had everything all ready to promote a serene sleeping environment; his star turtle, his blanket and his big blanket. He listened to Chess for about an hour and then we drifted off to sleep around 9:00. At 11:00 Finn woke up after I had to make a quick stop. He did not go back to sleep easily. It was probably midnight before he managed to whine himself back to sleep. Before falling to sleep he asked me to hold his hand (hold-a-hand, Mommy). It was just too sweet and I had to give in.

At 2:00ish Michael stopped at a Pilot in Giles County for some gas. Finn was so funny walking into the gas station. He was still partially sleep but still able to walk. His little legs wabbled all over the place. Once inside he decided that he wanted a cookie. Like all good parents we bought Finn a cookie and let him eat it in the car.

After finishing his cookie Finn fell asleep and slept until we pulled in the driveway. We carefully got him out of the car and put him in his bed. Thankfully he slept soundly until 8:00 the next morning.

When we got home we noticed that someone had broken into our house and cleaned it from top to bottom. Thank you so much Gran and Pa - it made coming home considerably easier.

The trip was absolutely wonderful. I couldn't have imagined a better trip to the beach with the Finnster. Thank you Grandad and Gigi for giving us this opportunity. Finn had so much fun I have so much many great memories and pictures (thanks Gigi). And thank you to Lauren and Maria for allowing us to share your room and for not getting made when Finn woke up up at 6:30 in the morning running around like a maniac.


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