The 3rd of July
Today we celebrated the 4th of July holiday with Gran and Pa. After Finn's nap we packed up and went to the Begley's house for a little swimming. Their neighbors were out of town and specifically left the pool key so that the Finnster could go swimming. The water was wonderful; it was so warm and it was salt was which is always nice. Since the water felt so good Finn had no problem whatsoever jumping right in, speaking metaphorically of course.

After seeing his Father jump off the diving board Finn thought it might be fun to do the same. The first time we tried Michael lowered him down to me. The second time I lowered him down to Michael. Finn thought that was really fun. He also loved loved jumping to me from the steps. Once, while I was drying off in the hammock Finn attempted to jump to Michael from the side of the pool and literally led with his head. I think after a few more trips to the Finn will actually start jumping into the water. After being in the pool around an hour Finn came over to me and said, "all done."

Next we had a cookout. Finn, in true Finn fashion, ate macaroni and cheese and cookies.
Next we went to watch fireworks in the park. We parked up at my old office at Hazel Path and walked down to a nice spot of grass near the road. We laid blankets out and watched the fireworks. They were really good! Finn, at first, was startled by the noise but quickly got used to the them. He watched with "wide eyed wonderment" for the first five to ten minutes and then he was "all done." It was closing in on 9:30 when the fireworks ended so he was ready to go to bed. He would do his best to lay on me and get comfortable.

At one point I was leaning up against Michael and Finn came and laid against me. It was the best part of the whole day. Needless to say, Finn didn't stay anywhere too long. He would look at me and say "sit with Dan." Then we would sit with Gran for 30 seconds and come back. Then we would say "sit with Pa." You get the picture.

Watching fireworks with Finn was so wonderful, but the trip home was not. It took us about 30 minutes to got one mile in all the traffic. Somehow or another Finn stayed awake the entire time. Every so often he would mention the fireworks. I also asked him who he watched fireworks with and he said "Mama, Pa, Dan, James and Mimi" however he managed to forget Daddy was there too.
Once we finally got home Finn went straight to bed and so did I.
In other news Finn has really taken to Veggie Tales, especially the theme song. Yesterday when we put him down for his nap we heard him singing over the baby monitor. We were pretty sure that he was singing Veggie Tales. And last night at dinner he sang the theme song to us. He really gets into it!
I took all the pictures today with new "bloggie" video camera. Both of our "Flipped" pooped out on us so we got a "Bloggie." You can take pictures while filming which is really convenient. It works great during the day, but there is no built in flash so night time pictures are rather grainy and out of focus. Nevertheless, I LOVE the bloggie.
After seeing his Father jump off the diving board Finn thought it might be fun to do the same. The first time we tried Michael lowered him down to me. The second time I lowered him down to Michael. Finn thought that was really fun. He also loved loved jumping to me from the steps. Once, while I was drying off in the hammock Finn attempted to jump to Michael from the side of the pool and literally led with his head. I think after a few more trips to the Finn will actually start jumping into the water. After being in the pool around an hour Finn came over to me and said, "all done."
Next we had a cookout. Finn, in true Finn fashion, ate macaroni and cheese and cookies.
Next we went to watch fireworks in the park. We parked up at my old office at Hazel Path and walked down to a nice spot of grass near the road. We laid blankets out and watched the fireworks. They were really good! Finn, at first, was startled by the noise but quickly got used to the them. He watched with "wide eyed wonderment" for the first five to ten minutes and then he was "all done." It was closing in on 9:30 when the fireworks ended so he was ready to go to bed. He would do his best to lay on me and get comfortable.
Watching fireworks with Finn was so wonderful, but the trip home was not. It took us about 30 minutes to got one mile in all the traffic. Somehow or another Finn stayed awake the entire time. Every so often he would mention the fireworks. I also asked him who he watched fireworks with and he said "Mama, Pa, Dan, James and Mimi" however he managed to forget Daddy was there too.
Once we finally got home Finn went straight to bed and so did I.
In other news Finn has really taken to Veggie Tales, especially the theme song. Yesterday when we put him down for his nap we heard him singing over the baby monitor. We were pretty sure that he was singing Veggie Tales. And last night at dinner he sang the theme song to us. He really gets into it!
I took all the pictures today with new "bloggie" video camera. Both of our "Flipped" pooped out on us so we got a "Bloggie." You can take pictures while filming which is really convenient. It works great during the day, but there is no built in flash so night time pictures are rather grainy and out of focus. Nevertheless, I LOVE the bloggie.
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