In the Tent

Today Finn woke up at 8:00 - it was wonderful! When he finally did drag himself out of bed we went downstairs to eat breakfast. He asked for waffles and dip (which is syrup). After breakfast I set Finn's little tent; he played in the tent most of the day. He would bring books in to read and big trucks into play with. Since Finn spent most of his day in the tent I ended up spending half of my day in the tent. He would say "mama in tent." He would get so excited when I got in.

For lunch we met a very special friend from church at Cheddars for a little lunch. Finn emptied all the sugar packets and then took to pour pepper on my shoulder. After lunch Finn took a two hour nap while I caught up on some work.

After he got up we played in the tent someone and then we went to the Post Office. When went in a diaper and a t-shirt and crocs. He looked so cute waddling around with that little diaper sticking out.

By the time we got home it was almost time for Michael to be home from work. Finn and Michael played in the tent while I talked to Deanna (who is in for a wedding). A little later Gran stopped by to say hi to Finn and tie our tree up. Michael and Finn watered the yard while I prepared dinner. Finn ate mac-n-cheese for dinner and then happily went to bed a little after 8:00.


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