Parcel Mouth

On Friday Finn and I stayed home together. For the most part we had a pretty normal day. We went to the grocery store, we took a nap and we had lunch. At one point around 4:00 I accidentally fell asleep for literally five minutes while we were watching a documentary on the Loch Ness Monster. I was so rudely awoken by Finn pouring almost an entire bottle of bubbles on me. It was so cold that it startled me awake. The moral of this story is never sleep around a baby; there is no telling what they will learn to do in a matter of a few minutes.

On Saturday Finn woke up around 7:15. On our way downstairs Finn looked at me and said "Harry Potter?" I put Harry Potter in and made Finn's oatmeal. Finn sat for about 45 minutes and watched Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets while eating breakfast. He loved the Doby, the flying car, the whomping Willow and the snakes. Every time they would speak in snake Language Finn would try to do it as well.

These are some extra picture of Finn's weekend with Nana and Papa that mom sent me this week.


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