55 Dollars worth of Fun

Yesterday Finn and I went to spend the night with Nana and Papa. Emily, Coop and Hank spent the night too. Shortly after arriving we all went for dinner at Logan's Roadhouse. We were sat in a huge corner booth. Finn sat in between me and Papa. Finn was so excited about being at Nana and Papa's house that he could barely contain his excitement within the boundaries of the booth. From the time we sat down until the time our food came a whole hour had past. During that hour Finn did the following: eat a crayon, try to eat peanut hulls, threw peanuts over the booth at the neighboring table, spill his cup of water, pick up his empty cup and heave it at the next table, bounce up and down next to Papa, attempt to climb the wall behind us, and attempt to drink everyone else's drink at the table. Finn did take a few minutes from his exhausting routine to eat four (4) huge rolls. At one point he was double fisting. Halfway through his second roll he started asking for another one. I told him me couldn't have another roll until he had finished the one he was holding. Finn proceeds to shove the entire roll in his mouth. Cooper sat sweetly with his mother and then sat quitely in his highchair. Hank slept the whole time. Finn was well . . .

After our food came I took Finn outside to walk around. Papa relieved me a few minutes later. Once we got back to Nana and Papa's house, Finn and Papa went upstairs to play in the play room. They built a very elaborate tunnel and Finn pushed his "free ride" car through it. Once Cooper got their they played together for a few minutes and then Papa, Finn and Cooper read a book.

After we were finished playing upstairs, Finn decided that he was hungry again and ate a pop-tart. Then he sat in Greg lap until bedtime. Right before bed I felt "squirt the sequel" kick for the first time; and it wasn't just any kick, it was a kick that had feeling behind it. It was so hard that it shocked me a bit.

Finn and I went to bed around 10:00. After we were both tucked in and the lights were off, Finn looked over and me and "love you mommy." All was going well until 3:00 when Finn started banging his head into my stomach. He would sit straight up and then fall straight over. Then he started whining. Since he was up I went to to bathroom. Once I got back in bed, Finn started looking for me in bed. I could see him squinting and leaning to see me. He started saying "where's mommy, where's erin." I would touch his face and tell him that I was right next to him but he didn't seem to believe me. After about 45 minutes of squirming Finn finally feel asleep and slept until morning.

The next morning Finn and Cooper played with the car in the bathroom until breakfast. Of course Finn ate a pop-tart for breakfast. Then he sat with Nana and Cooper and watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

That was the end for me. I went to work while Mom, Em, Coop and Finn went to Tracey's house for the Second Annual "Redneck Pool Party." I was told that Finn loved the bouncy castle. After the party Emily brought all three boys home in her car. I saw the end product and it was a tight squeeze, but she did really great! Thanks Em and Mom for taking Finn to the party.


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