Gran's Birthday

Friday morning Finn and I went to town to run errands. After his nap we stopped a Mr. Oliver's office to pick up some mail and chat for a few hours. Mr. Oliver wanted to hold Finn so badly but he wasn't about to be held. Instead he played nicely around Mr. Oliver's office. After we left I picked Finn up a grilled cheese and then we headed back to the house. After getting back from our visit Finn helped me make Gran's birthday cake. I made Aunt Tracey's special strawberry jello cake. Finn didn't physi.cally help but reminded me about the cake all day. Every so often he would come up to me and say "Dan's birday cake."

Later on that evening we met Gran, Pa, Mimi, James and Chelsea at Cheddars for Gran's birthday dinner. It was around 7:30 when we got there so Finn was starting to get tired. I don't think he stayed in one place longer than 10 seconds all night. At different times during the dinner we would take turns taking Finn to see the fish tank or walk around outside. When the spinach artichoke came Finn inhaled. For dinner Finn ate a few french fries and then he finished it off with cake.

After leaving the restaurant Finn went back to our house with Gran and Pa while Michael, James, Chelsea and I went to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. All I have to say is WOW!


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