4 hours

All happened this past weekend, but I want to start with Finn's biggest achievement to date. On Sunday after church Finn took a four (4) hour nap! Unbelievable.

On Saturday Finn, Michael and I went to do our family grocery shopping. Finn has taken to wanting hugs while riding in the buggy. He will throw himself into my body and wrap his arms around my waist. It is so sweet; but I look seriously ridiculous half slumping over and pushing the buggy. Later on in the day I went to a huge consignment sale in Franklin with Mom and MJ. We had a great time. Later on in the night we (me, Michael and Finn) went to Greg and Shelley's house to watch Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Finn and Macey T. played all over the house while we watched. Finn did a pretty good playing with Macey. He just didn't want her to hug him. Around 10:00 (pm) Finn came over to where I was sitting and said "lay down." He would lay down in the floor next to me and hug my neck. He didn't end up going to sleep at Greg and Shelley's house, but he did behave quite nicely even though he was exhausted.

The next morning we went to church and then we got home Finn took his enormous nap. Afterwards Addison came over to swim in Finn's pool. During his bath I asked Finn who he loved and he said "Mommy Daddy" I asked him who else and he said "nana papa" on and on he went through everyone in his family. The last time I asked "who else" he said, "lawnmower." Not too far from the truth.

The next day (Monday) Finn was introduced to the weed eater. Of course he loved and wanted to help.

Upset because I won't let him follow Michael into the road.


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