Sam's Last Day of Preschool

This past Friday was Sam's last day of Preschool. I was a bit sadder than I expected. Mostly, because I really like Sam's teacher - Ms. Mandy. He has been with her for both K3 and K4. She is so fun and patient - and she really gets Sam. Plus, Sam really loves Ms. Mandy. As all big days do, this day started with a "big event" picture. I explained to Sam that this was his last day of preschool and that we needed a really good picture to commemorate the occasion. This is what Sam gave me. We did a second take. Not that the first wasn't - memorable - just not what I had in mind. We dropped Sam off at school at 8:00 and then Michael, Finn and I went to McDonalds for coffee. The program started at 9:00. We arrived a few minutes early. First, Ms. Mandy gave out awards. Sam got the "Super Scientist" award because he is always trying to blow things up. Upon receiving his award, Sam walks to ...