Monday Night RAW

This past Monday, Michael, Finn, Sam, Uncle James and I went to Monday Night Raw at Bridgestone Arena!  I have been looking forward to this for weeks.  We all wore our WWE gear - Michael wore Bobby Roode, I wore Braun Stroman, Finn wore Roman Reigns, Sam wore John Cena, and James wore Seth Rollins.

We all met at James and Chelsea's house around 4:00 to pick up James.  Then we went downtown to park and get a quick bite to eat at Jimmy John's.

After supper we walked down to Bridgestone Arena.  

About the time I took this picture, a side walk preacher started yelling verbatim, "when will you wicked parents stop taking your children into the den of inequity."

We arrived at 6:00.  The pre-show started at 6:30 so we had a few minutes to find our seats and get situated. 

Finn and I were trying to do the Ws.  Sam didn't get the message. 

At 6:30, the pre-show started.  They showed some WWE promotional videos on the big screen.  Then RTruth came out to wrestle Curt Hawkins.  Then Heath Slater and Rhino fought Anderson and Gallows.

At 7:00 Raw started. It was so exciting. 

The first person out was Dean Ambrose.  The boys lost their minds. I have never seen freak out harder.

Enzo.  Finn and Sam were really excited about Enzo and Big Cass.

Big Show!

Doing the "Finn Balor" entrance.

Sam doing "Roman Reigns"

The boys laughing at Samoa Joe's music.

This really was one of they great nights.  The boys did so good - even though they were us so late.  I particularly enjoyed my time with Sam.  I sat on the end next to Sam so I spent most of the night with him.  He was in rare form with this dancing and yelling and general excitement.  


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