9 Year Anniversary

After our canoe trip on Sunday, Michael packed up and went to West Tennessee for the week. His trip conveniently coinsided with the week the boys weren't in school. This meant that they were either home with me or with Gran all week. On Monday the boys went to Gran's house while Mimi and I went to give and take depositions in Springfield. On Tuesday, the boys stayed home with me all day. Inspite of spending a good portion of the day preparing for trial - we had really good day. The boys played nicely together and didn't get too frustrated with me vegging on the couch with my file. We also played outside and went to Kroger to buy a new trashcan. Fancy! Later that night during prayers, Sam thanked God for "Splash Mountain." MInd you, Sam has never riden "Splash Mountain" but was thankful all the same. On Wednesday I had to be in trial all day so the boys spent the day with Gran. The big event of the day was the much needed haircu...