Week with Mama

Michael has been out of town at a judicial conference all week.  This meant that I have had a lot of quality time with the boys.  This is also means that I have been pretty tired.  To make things easier on the boys during those times that I Michael is away, I let them do things that they normally don't get to do.  For example, we eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for dinner. watch too much TV and I allow Finn to sleep in my bedroom.  

Today is Saturday and Michael will be getting home in a few minutes.  Earlier this evening Finn told me how much he enjoys our "special time together when daddy is gone."  It wouldn't have sounded more sincere had he not been glugging down chocolate milk at the time by the gallon. 

The week has actually been pretty good - it also flew by.  On Tuesday night we went to suprise Gran with some birthday cupcakes.  Finn was insistent on cupcakes, so after school we headed over to GiGi's cupcakes.  Well, as it turns out, GiGi's was out of business so we went back across town to Publix were we bought cupcakes.  Within ten minutes of arriving at Gran's house, both boys were covered in icing.  

After cupcakes we went to Sam's Club to look at new beds for the boys.  Finn and Sam both tried out every piece of furniture in the store.  They were precious - but a little noisy.  They loved the bunk beds that we picked out.  

On Friday, the boys went with Gran to pick Pa up from the airport.  Next they went to see the new "Planes" movie. After the movie I met them for dinner at O'Charley's.  These two boys were terrible at dinner.  They weren't mean or ugly - they were just so happy and excited that they couldn't sit still to save their souls. 

On Saturday I got a wonderful surprise.  Em called me and said that she and the boys were coming to Hippity-Hop in Hendersonville to play for the day and asked if we wanted to come to.   We had a great time!  The four boys played well together.  Finn always enjoys Uncle Zac and followed him around the entire time.  He would regularily come up to me and ask where Uncle Zac was.  

Sam didn't really like the bouncy houses all that much.  He much of his day running around in circles and see-sawing by himself.  

This is the see-saw that Sam loved so much.  Every so often Finn would hop on with him.  Otherwise, my good served as the other passenger. 

I took so many pictures of Quinn.  I just couldn't help it - he is so cute. 

Coop decided that it would be way more fun to eat his yogurt in the middle of the floor. 

By the end of the day Finn and Sam were both soaked due to the water fountain in the lobby.  They would regularily sneak out of the play area and go get a sip of water. 

I did manage to get Sam to go down the slide.  He was happy as long as I was with him.  At one point it was me, Finn, Sam, Zac, Coop and Hank.  It was complete takeover. 

When we got home both boys took long naps - and so did I.  After we were all up, we organized the playroom.  It was a great day.  I will be happy to have Michael back. 


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