
On Sunday a group of us from Sunday School ditched church went canoeing on the Harpeth River.  Okay, we didn't ditch church - we go to Service and Sunday School at night. 

We all met in the Kroger parking lot and carpooled out to Kingston Springs.  Elena had made both healthy and nonhealthy mexican breakfast burritos.  

We got on the river around 10:30 a.m.  It was an 8 mile trip from start to finish.  I am not a master canoer and Michael had never canoed before so it took us a few minutes to get the hang of working as a team.  Michael sat in the back and I sat in the front.   Once we got the hang of it we were a well oiled machine.  We ended up paddling pretty fast. 

About 3 miles down the river our friends April and Jason tipped their canoe.  The rest of us paddled hard to grab their missing items. MIchael and I ended up with a flip flip and a paddle. 

Next we stopped and ate lunch on the river bank.  Our entire bag ended up in a puddle of water so we had squishy sandwiches and wet almonds.  It was pretty gross.  After lunch we played in the water for about an hour. 

During the next leg of our trip we really pushed it.  They had told us that storms were coming and to not linger on the water.  About half a mile from the end we stopped again.  We all sat in the current and chatted.  It was the best day. 

On the way home we stopped at Jim-N-Nicks and stuffed ourselved with cheesy muffins. 


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