Checking the Mail

On Thursday we all went to the boy's school for "open house" where we learned that Finn will be moving into the big room and that Sam will be moving into Finn's old room.  Last year Sam was the only child in the 2 year old class for approximately three (3) months.  Well, Sam is still in the two (2) year old class, but he has been joined by four (4) additional kids.  Ms. Cindy and Sonya will be the teachers this year.

After "open house" we drove into the square and ate at the "Ugly Pie Bakery."  The "Ugly Pie" is my favorite place to eat in Gallatin and has the BEST pimento cheese and hot bacon sandwich.  It should be noted that I hate pimento cheese - this sandwich is THAT good.  Finn and Sam had peanut butter and jelly and Michael ordered a grilled cheese.

When we got home we discovered that Finn had received a package in the mail from none other than Uncle David.  Actually, Michael and I knew about the package before we went to the school, but decided to wait until we got home that evening to let Finn open it.

Discovering his package.

Opening his package.


Finn and Sam saying "thank you" to Uncle David.  Sam's "thank you" face leaves much to be desired.


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