Cross K

On Saturday mom, Michael and I ran in the Hendersonville Christrian Cross K.  It is basically a 5K run cross country style.  

Gran and Pa brought Sam and Finn to cheer us on.

I don't mind saying that this was a really, really hard race.  We ran partially in a grassy field and partially on a wooded path.  I really thought that I would vomit.

Finn and Sam running with daddy.  We made four laps around the trail.  Every time we would pass the area where they were standing - they would chase after us and run with us for a while.  Finn ran with us every single time.  Sam was done after one try.

Nana and Michael at the finish line.

Even though it was really hard, my time went down by over a minute.  I finished in 28:18.

After the race we went to Panera bread for breakfast.


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