
Well, yesterday Michael left for ten (10) days to go on a mission trip to Uganda. Last week we got a call that a member of the team was not able to go and that they needed a last minute replacement.  It all happened very quickly so we have been on overdrive to get him ready to go (Last week he drove to Atlanta to get a "rushed" passport.)  He is going with our church, Long Hollow Baptist on a medical mission trip.  He will be working in the vision clinic. He is going with a great group.  Dustin and Roger from our Sunday School class and few other guys that he knows from church.

When we told the boys Finn was pretty sad.  He has said every day how much he is going to miss daddy.   Finn has also been telling his friends at school that his dad is going to Africa.  I know this because one of the other mothers asked me about it.  When I picked Finn up later that same afternoon I asked him if he had told his friend about daddy's trip.  He said that he had.  He then said, "Jack (his friend) told me that daddy was going to die in Africa."  Well, then.  I assured Finn that daddy was going to be fine.  Finn didn't see too phased - he said that he responded as follows: "he isn't going to die - he is going to tell people about Jesus."

On "leaving day" the manager at the Chik-Fil-A invited the families to eat breakfast "on the house." We all met that morning around 8:00.  Most of the kids know each other so they spent a majority of the time playing in the playroom.  Gran came with us too and took these pictures.  Oh and apparently Dennis Ferrier from Channel 4 News called Deniece asking questions about the trip.

I don't mind saying that I was a little teary when Michael left.  There is no real danger of Ebola - Uganda is hundreds of miles from the outbreak.  I choose not to worry about the social unrest in that part of the world.  As we have said in our Sunday School class for the last several weeks - there is so safer place to be than in the middle of God's will. Nonetheless, I still got a little teary.

We will not be able to communicate with Michael much at all once he is overseas.  However, he did call me from the airport and let me know that his flight information was messed up and he didn't get to fly with the mission team to Amsterdam.  He will meet up with them in Amsterdam and fly on to Uganda together.  The flight time altogether is 21 hours.  Yikes.

I haven't heard from him since he sent me a text at 5:20 p.m. yesterday.  But I imagine they will be landing in Africa today.  It is so exciting.  Heaven help my poor children - I am not the "patient parent."

The day for leaving for his trip, Michael took the boys to school.  Before school he took them for donuts.


  1. Prayers for Michael and the Long Hollow team! (and also for this week's patient parent)

  2. I'm praying for all of you also.


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