Odds and Ends

On Sunday, Believer's Baptist Fellowship (Tommy and Deniece's Church) asked Michael to come speak about his mission trip to Uganda.  Finn and Sam spend the night with Gran the night before. We met the boys and Gran at Gran's church on Sunday morning.  Both boys were excited to see us. Once the church service started, Finn and Sam fought each other to sit with me.  It got pretty noisy so I had to take Sam out.  I set Sam up with a Batman cartoon and listened to Michael's message from the doorway. I was really proud of him. After the service the church had a soup fellowship.

Since Gran's church is a little dressier than Long Hollow, we dressed the boys up.

Now that Halloween is over, Finn has a nice, warm robe to wear during breakfast.  Every morning Finn gets up and tells me how cold he is - he will then look from a warm shirt in the dryer.  Well, that problem has been solved.

Sam has graduated to eating cereal with milk.  I regularly find cheerios stuck hard to the floor.

On Thursday Gran picked the boys up from school and took them to get haircuts.  I was so shocked when I saw Sam - he looked so mature.

The boys really love Cracker Barrel.  Finn found a new thing to love about his favorite restaurant - the fireplace,  He asked me if he could so sit next to it.  I turned around a few times to make sure that he was okay.  The first time I looked back, I see Finn sitting awkwardly giving a goofy grin (I love Finn's goofiness).  The next time I looked around, I saw Finn throwing handfuls of something over the grate and into the fireplace.

When we got home I found an "I'm sorry" card in Finn's backpack.  I asked Finn what had happened.  He told me that a boy at school called him a bad name.  I asked what he said - he wouldn't tell me.  I asked him why he wouldn't tell me - he said, "I thought that I would get in trouble."  I assured him that repeating the word wouldn't get him in trouble.  He proceeds to tell me that he was called a "pee-pee head."  Don't you just love kids :)


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