Happy Birthday Sam

Wednesday was Sam's 3rd Birthday.  We started the day off with Lucky Charms - Frozen style.

Next Sam opened his card from Nana and Papa.  It was an Avengers card so  Sam was super excited.  He asked me to read it to him at least ten (10) times.  The first  time that I re-read the card I only read the part that was printed in the card (I didn't read the part from Nana and Papa again).  Sam then specifically said, "No mama - you didn't read the part from Nana and Papa!"

He was so happy about his card that he took it to school with him as his toy.  (I let the boys bring one toy to school everyday).

This was also Sam's first Chapel day.

For his real birthday, Sam decided that he wanted to go see a movie AND eat popcorn.  We decided to go see the 4:15 showing of "Big Hero 6."  Gran, Pa, Chelsea and Sharon watched it with us.  Sam was a little nervous at first because he didn't like the chairs.  He thought that they were going to close up on him.  After we got him situated he felt somewhat better.  Although I don't think that he was totally comfortable because he held either my hand or my arm through most of the movie.  He also ate popcorn through 90% of the movie.  I really don't know where he puts it all.

At one point in the movie, they played about 30 seconds of "The Eye of the Tiger."  Upon recognizing one of his favorite songs Sam yells, "IT'S ROCKY!"

I tried to take a few pictures of Sam during the movie.  I think I might have scared him.

After he was sufficiently full, Sam decided that he would like to stand up from the remainder of the movie.  We were the only family in the theater so I let him have fun.  At the climax of the movie Sam got really excited and would throw his hands in the air and yell, "Look at that!"

After the movie was over Finn and Sam spent some quality time running through the hallway as fast as they could and then sliding on their knees down a carpeted ramp.

Next we went to Red Robin for a birthday burger.  Sam also experienced his first "Restaurant Birthday Song."  He handled it well.  Probably because they gave him free ice cream.

While Daddy was not able to go to the movie with us (he was out of town) he was able to make it back in time to eat supper.


  1. Sam's hair cut is so cute. Well both of the boys & their matching out fits looked great. I take it that Sam's doing better with hair cuts now. Glad ya'll had a nice time. Love to all.


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