PBC 2015 Day 2

The day of the thunderstorm.  When we woke up we noticed that the weather looked pretty bad.  Dad and I went out for a run around 6:00.  By the time we got back it was pouring.  The rain let up around 9:00 so we all went down to the beach.  We stayed about 2 hours before we had to go back to the room.  The sky looked awesome – it was pretty menacing.  We saw a huge bolt of lightning over the ocean and headed straight for the room.  We made it back just in the nick of time

Our first day at the pool.  We brought this inflatable dog for the boys to play on.  Michael may have had more fun on it than the boys did. 

Sam swimming - I never get tired of seeing Sam swim. 

Check out that sky . . . 

We spent most of the day in the room.  Michael and I went to workout during the boys’ naps. By the time we got back, it was time to start getting ready for our pictures.  The weather had cleared so we went back down to the beach to take pictures.  

After pictures, we all came back to the room.  Lauren and Ryan fixed awesome guacamole chicken burgers and we watched the US women’s soccer game. Between Zac, Em and Ryan we had quite a few soccer fans in the house.  The energy was pretty high – fun night.   

During dinner Finn came running in crying claiming that Cooper had hit him in the face with a blanket.  Knowing that blankets don’t really cause that much damage, I asked, “Finn, did he really just hurt your feelings.”  Finn responded. “NO, he hurt my face.”  I’m not sure why, but it was so funny. 


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