
This morning, as the boys were eating breakfast, the News started talking about the issue in Syria. The image on the screen was a big fire. Finn and Sam quickly picked up on the word "Russia."  Sam gasped in horror and said, "Does Drago live in the fire?"

A few minutes later the newscaster started talking about Vladimir Putin.  Sam yelled at the TV - "We don't say that word!"  Sam was sure they were saying a potty word - pootin'.

On Tuesday the boy's got haircuts.  They insisted on a picture with the enormous monkey.

Finn picked this from the treasure box.  He calls it his old man mask. 

Michael showed the boys how to make a soft pallet to jump on.  They both did their wrestling moves off of the couch.

This is what goes on in my bedroom while I am getting ready for work in the mornings. 


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