The Big Bath Tub

Well, I made a huge mistake letting the boys take a bath in my bathtub - now that's all they want to do. It is so big that Sam can swim under water.  At one point Sam dove head first into the water and banged his head on the side of the tub.

The boys seem to have adjusted pretty well to the new place.  They are still a little keyed up, but I expect that will simmer down after a while.  

I thought it might take a little longer for Finn to warm up to the place because he was pretty sad when we left the old house.  Before leaving for the last time the four of us gathered around my car and said a prayer - thanking God for our first home.  Finn and I cried on the way out.  Finn tried to hold it back, but couldn't stop the tears.   Finn told me that he didn't want to leave because we had so many good memories at that house.   Sam responded, "I want to go to my new house."  You can always count on Sam to be sentimental. 


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