Halloween 2016

This year we got a bit of a late start on carving our pumpkins.  We ended up carving them the night before Halloween.
Given the time constraints, we opted for easy pumpkins.

Halloween was on a Monday this year.  Right after I picked the boys up from school we met the family at Gran's house for dinner.

Will as Superman.

It was a perfect night.  It was pleasantly warm outside and there was no rain.  Will stayed in the carrier the whole time and didn't fuss at all. Gran, David, Sharon, Henry, Mason, Chelsea and Cade came with us.

The boys had a good time. We went back to our old neighborhood.  We stopped by the "spooky house" where a life sized gorilla lunged at me causing me to scream.  We stopped by our old house. The new owners are way more fun than we were on Halloween.  They got all dressed to hand out candy.  

Last we stopped at Mrs. Raymer's house.  This was Finn's Kindergarten teacher last year.  


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