Wigs with Friends

On January 27th we celebrated Sam's birthday at Circus World.  He invited his cousins, Jack and John Matthew and a few friends from school.  They had a great time! They did the jumping trampoline thing/go carts/laser tag and bowling.

Oh, and check out Finn's take on Steve Urkel. Finn decided that he did not want to attend Sam's birthday party wear in his school uniform so he brought changing clothes.  He did not run his changing clothes by me before leaving the house.  

That next morning we got up and met Grandad and Gigi at Dunkin Donuts for breakfast.  Then we went over to watch the boys play basketball. 

On Sunday I went to my close friend Robyn's house.  She has been diagnosed with a rare form of liver cancer.  We went over to lend moral support as her shaved her head.  Then we played with her wigs. 


  1. I love Finn's "Steve Erckel" look!! But, that will come back to bite him someday!! haha


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