Just a Quick Catch-Up

Finn, on parenting:

Though it is only Tuesday, this week has been long.  Michael left for Memphis on Sunday night, so its just been me and the boys.  It is fun - and I do feel that I am a better parent when everything falls squarely on me - but it is also draining.  Unfortunately, I think that Finn can see it one my face.  Last night as I was putting the boys to bed, Sam was disobeying and would just not listen.  Finn tried to step in and help me get Sam in bed.  Once all was still, I look up and see that Finn was about to cry.  I asked him what was wrong and he said, "it looks so hard to be a mom - why do you want to do it?"  I assured Finn that being a mom was the best job in the world that I would rather live a busy and exhausting life with my three boys that live the easiest life without them. He again asked why and I tried to explain how much I loved them - even when they disobey.  It was also a time when I could explain to Finn and Sam that a parent's love for their children is a picture of God's love for us.

Sam, on punishments:

Finn has noticed that Sam doesn't get "real" punishments.  The other day, I told Sam that he could not watch TV in the car because he didn't buckle his seat belt. (Why does it take so long for kids to get in the car and get their seat belts buckled!!!)  Anyway, Sam got really upset and threw a fit.  Finn then proceeds to tell me that when he got in trouble he was forced to sit in the playroom all day, by himself, with no TV.  He said, "all I got to do was play with my toys."  Hearing this, I realized that I am a terrible disciplinarian.  Sam, as is typical, joined Finn and they double teamed me.  Sam then told me that the next time I "ground" Finn he is going to sit upstairs with him and play toys. I then asked Sam if he would prefer that I take back his punishment and confine him to the playroom.  He said, "oh no, I'll keep my fake punishment."  Stinkers.

Finn, a his expanding vocabulary:

Okay, these words are particularly big or impressive, but I am always interested when the boys use "different" words.  The other day, Finn said something "frightened" him instead of scared him.  This morning he said, "mom, Sam is so eager to win."   This morning, while Finn was sitting in my bathroom, an alarm went off in my bedroom.  It was really loud and we both just about jumped out of our skin.  Finn said, "mom, that scared the life out of me." Again, these aren't words or phrases that are worthy of the ACT, but it is so neat to see, and hear, your children mature. 

Sam, on my new hair cut: 

Last week I cut my hair really, really short. (I am working up the nerve to do an edgy pixie cut). In th immediate aftermath of the butchering, I didn't really know how I felt about it.    Upon seeing my hair, Sam starts rubbing his hair.  He then said, "Mom, I really need a haircut too - my hair looks terrible, just like your hair looks terrible."  Thanks Sam. 


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