Hand, Foot and Mouth - Round II

Second verse, same as the first - almost.  

Hand, foot and mouth has once again plagued the Begley home.  This time the unlucky recipient was young William - our most tolerant and patient baby . . . NOT.  

Hand, foot and mouth hit Will pretty hard.  For five full days he was miserable. When Sam was Will's age he contracted hand, foot and mouth.  I recall that he didn't feel well, but I don't remember him being in complete agony.  But I guess this makes sense as Sam never complains about being sick.  Will, on the other hand, revels in the attention his sickness brings (at least that is my opinion) and plays it up for everything it is worth.  Think - Michael Scott - when he burned his foot. 

So for five days, Will stayed with Gran during the day.  Fortunately for Will, he was well taken care of at Gran's house.  Unfortunately for Gran, Will gave her hand, foot and mouth. 

Most of Will's blisters were on his mouth and face.  He also had a few around his eyes which he apparently scratched all night - leaving the skin around his eyes swollen and red.  He looked pretty rough. 


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