Learning to Play

Will has now hopped on the WWE bandwagon.  He can sit and play with wrestling figures for at least 30 minutes (which is a long time in baby world).  He likes to fight with them in the ring.  It is so cute to watch him play.  Before he would just carry toys around.  Now, he knows how to play them them.

Yesterday when I went to get him out of bed, I found him standing in his crib pointing and reaching for one of the wrestling figures that was completely out of reach on the other side of the room.  He was so excited when I gave it to him.

He also likes to make the boys' other toys wrestle as well.

But his favorite thing to play with is still a ball.  Will doesn't say a whole lot; mostly "no."  However, Will often talks about balls.  Yesterday as we were walking into school, Will starting pointing to the building and yelling "BALL." There must have been a ball in his class that he was really excited about playing with.   When I asked his teacher about it she pointed to a big beach ball that was on top of a shelving unit.  Will loves this ball and will fight other children for it - which explains why it is now on top of a shelve.

Watching Moana together.


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