Okay, I admit that I have been away for a while. I admit that I will regret the moments that I have failed to record. I admit that the reason I have been away is not as important as my children. I admit that I have missed far too many moments with the boys. I admit that Will has developed by leaps and bounds over the past four weeks and that I cannot begin to cover everything that he is now doing. But, I will try.

Will now eats oatmeal with a spoon. He has always refused to let me feed him. He insists on doing everything by himself. He now insists on eating with utensils. I am ever amazed at his stubbornness.
I now have a left-handed child. Michael is left handed so I assumed that one of my boys would be a lefty. I began to notice several weeks back that when I hand Will an item that he immediately transfers the item to his left hand. This was confirmed when I saw him eat with his left hand.

Since I have been gone so regularly, Will has taken quite a liking to his dad.  Or as he calls him "Dad Dee."

Will has learned to climb up to the top bunk. This actually scared me.  

He loves to play with the boy’s toys. His favorite toys are the wrestlers. He will sit at the ring with two wrestling figures and fight with them. I  

Will’s favorite book is “That’s not my lion.” He makes “roaring” noises when we read it to him. He also likes to lay his face down on the lion’s mane.  


He knows how to “fake” smile now.  

Crazy sock day at school.

Mustache day.

When he is hungry he walks over to his seat and tries to climb in.

He loves to play outside and when he is outside he runs immediately to the road. Yesterday, he and went for a walk. When it was time to go inside he flopped to the ground and laid as flat as he could on the gravel.

Will prefers to walk. If I am carrying him, he wiggles and contorts his body to get down. I now have to carry him under my arm like a sack of potatoes. If we aren’t in a busy parking lot I will ask Will, “do you want to walk?” He will then wiggle down and start walking. 

While he doesn’t say a lot, he understands a lot.Will has a few new words:

  1. Socks and Shoes. When I put his shoes on he will say “ocks and shoooos.”
  2. Elmo – “MaMow
  3. Book – “ook”
  4. Ball – “bahwl”
  5. Milk – “mick”
  6. Bye – “bye”
  7. Mickey Mouse - "Mick-EEE"  He will say this over and over when he sees anything with Mickey on it. 
He jabbers all the time now too.  Until recently, he hasn't been much of a jabbering baby.  Now he talks all the time . . . though I can't understand a word he says. 

He is also able to laugh at things that are funny.  When he sees something funny on TV, he laughs at appropriate times.  

He likes to watch Dude Perfect videos with the boys.  He gets so excited every time they make a trick shot. 


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