Fall Ball
This year we decided to sign the boys up for Fall Little League. It wasn't something that we had really given any thought to when the boys were at HCA - mostly because HCA didn't have a baseball team. During our tour of DA we learned that the boys could play for their school beginning in 5th grade. In our minds we could see the scenario play out: Fifth grade would roll around and Finn would tell us that he REALLY wants to play baseball for DA. Knowing Finn as we do, we realize that his coordination level is not conducive to him making the team without at least a few years of practice. This being the case we made him play little league this year in preparation for the conversation that we will undoubtedly have in two (2) years. We put Sam in too because we thought that Sam would really enjoy it. Finn's first practice was three weeks ago (the first day of school). He has practiced three to four times a week since. I was told whe...