Fall Ball

This year we decided to sign the boys up for Fall Little League.  It wasn't something that we had really given any thought to when the boys were at HCA - mostly because HCA didn't have a baseball team.  During our tour of DA we learned that the boys could play for their school beginning in 5th grade.  In our minds we could see the scenario play out:  Fifth grade would roll around and Finn would tell us that he REALLY wants to play baseball for DA.  Knowing Finn as we do, we realize that his coordination level is not conducive to him making the team without at least a few years of practice.  This being the case we made him play little league this year in preparation for the conversation that we will undoubtedly have in two (2) years.  We put Sam in too because we thought that Sam would really enjoy it. 

Finn's first practice was three weeks ago (the first day of school). He has practiced three to four times a week since.  I was told when we signed up that there would be one practice a week and one game a week.  While I have been a little ill prepared for the number of practices, I am glad that Finn has gotten some extended practice time.  We have learned that he has three (3) great coaches. They are really good with teaching fundamentals.  Even though I know nothing about baseball, they seem to be really good coaches - and they are so patient.   I have been able to go to a few practices and watch.  Finn, while still a fairly timid player, has improved by leaps and bounds.  You can see that the game/rules are starting to click.  I have been really proud of him.  He pays attention and tries hard.  Like his mother, Finn has a tendency to be insecure, but in spite of that, Finn hasn't shown any outward fear or insecurity, and he hasn't complained. 

During the first few practices they worked on base running and fielding. Finn loves base running.  It wasn't until the second week that they started batting practice.  Batting is where Finn struggles the most.  In fact, the first time that Finn's bat actually made contact with the ball he somehow or another ended up hitting himself in the face.  It was pretty funny, but it clock him pretty hard.  He took a few deep breathes and then got back in the box.  He hit the very next pitch.  

Last week Jack joined Finn's team as a late addition. I was one the phone with Shelley the week before and told him who Finn's coaches are.  She told us that we got the best lineup up coaches.  Fast forward one week, Jack has joined the team. (There was an opening because one child left to play travel ball).

Finn has made friends as well.  They cut up and dance around in the outfield. During the last practice I look up to see Finn and Cornelius doing the worm behind second base.  At the end of every practice, Finn pours whats left of his water on his head and chest.  He thinks it is hilarious to get in my van wet. 

The jury is still out on how Finn feels about baseball.  He clearly is having fun, but he still prefers basketball.  

Sam, on the other hand, decidedly likes playing baseball.  His team hasn't practiced as regularly as Finn's team, but he is getting better too.  Even though Michael had no intention of coaching baseball, Sam's team needed help, so Michael is assisting on Sam's team.  Sam plays for the Braves team and his number is "11".   Sam is the tallest kid on his team and quite possibly one of the most coordinated. Since Michael is coaching, I haven't been able to really sit and watch Sam practice since someone needs to be with Will. 

Sam's first game was this Saturday.  He played 1st base and catcher.  Michael told me that Sam was a good 1st basemen. Sam was excited to tell me that the "got someone out!"  I didn't get to watch Sam play defense.  I was on the playground with Will and Finn.  Will did let me watch Sam's first at bat before dragging me to the playground. 

I just love this boy so much.


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