The Woes of Potty Training

We have very few bathtime rules in the Begley home.  Baths are warm and fun and all around wonderful, so I want the boys to enjoy them to the fullest as I often do.  One of the few rules in place is "don't drink bottom water."  "Bottom water" is defined as any water that touches your bottom, i.e.,  pool water, lake water, ocean water and bath water.  Having physically and emotionally wrestled with Will over literally every other rule in our household it should come as no shock to me that Will disregarded this one as well.  During his bath last week I look over to find Will laying belly down in the bathtub drinking bath water by the mouthful.  Upon realizing what he was doing I sternly said, "Will, are you drinking bathwater!?"  He sat up, looked me in the eye and said, "I sure is." He then immediately assumed his previous position and recommensed his drinking session.  
On to potty training.  Potty training Will has been one of the more frustrating things that I have ever attempted to do. He seems to do a great job at school, but he turns into the Tazmanian Devil when I try to get him to potty at home. When I mention it he goes into a screaming fit and will violently kick me until I give up.  What Will doesn't understand is that I don't give up.  So most evenings we are at a stallmate.  Just getting his tiny little body on the toilet takes great bouts of physical strength and self-control.  If I make it through this training without breaking down into uncontrollable sobs it will be miracle.   Now, that's not to say that every moment is filled with dread, there are a few times when this experience has made me laugh.  For example, last week Will came running into the living room exclaiming "I DID IT! I POOPED ON THE POTTY!"  Michael and I didn't believe him because he can't even get onto the potty by himself, but in support of Will's excitment concerning potty training, I went with him into the bathroom to check.  Sure enough, there was a massive log in the toilet.  Will was proud of himself.  I was completely perplexed.  That is until I smelled his hands.  Yep, Will had pooped in the floor, picked up his massive (and thankfully hard) poop up off of the floor and dropped it into the toilet.  Score/yay/insert sarcasim. Will was elated. I realized that I have to be more specific about pooping decorum.
These are a few pictures taking at Henry's 4th birthday bonfire.


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