Will’s Third Birthday

On June 22, 2019, we celebrated Will's third birthday on his actual birthday.  It was a small party - all family, but Will had a great time.  He and his "best friend" Henry (Will's words, not mine) started the party in costume.

The other party goers played with the dinosaur toys upstairs.

As most of my parties tend to be, this party was a breakfast party.  We had donuts, sausage balls and ice cream cake.

Will really enjoyed his presents. This was the first birthday where he realized that he was the center of attention and all of the presents were his.

It is hard to believe that he is already three.  I still think of him as a baby.  Even though he can be so stubborn, I enjoy him so much.  He is just precious. But, if you call him precious he will say, "I'm not precious, I'm William Rex."

It was a fun party, but the real fun started when we all attempted to get Meg out of the tree.  On morning before the party we found Meg stuck 35 feet up in a tree. We could not for the life of us get her down. We ended up putting a ladder in the back of the truck - which gave Michael just enough height to push her out of the tree.

In all, she was probably in the tree about 40 hours.  She even managed to hang on during the tornado warnings.  She was exhausted and slept the rest of the day.


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