Bumbalough Boys Lake Weekend

Every year, usually in July, we have a Bumbalough lake trip out at Eddie and Elaine's lake house.  This year Dad took Will up early.

Emily offered to drive my other two children to the lake house so that they wouldn't have to wait for me to get off of work.  Emily told me that midway through the trip Sam began to complain that know one was including him in the conversation.  Mind you, Sam was wearing headphones.

These cousin have so much fun together.  We rarely see them when they are together because they hang with and take care of (kind of) each other.

Shane and the boys enjoying the shrimp boil dinner.

As we were getting ready to load the boat, Emily slid and got a rock stuck in her toe. I have never been one to get woozy over the sight of blood until that very moment.  Will was concerned.

Sam loved tubing.

Will really enjoyed his time in the water.  Not even remotely trusting in his puddle jumpers,  he hung on to be for dear life while in the water.  Even still, he loved it and constantly asked for me to either get in for stay in the water with him.  We did A LOT of floating.

The older boys spent their day jumping off of the top of the boat.

We spent some of the morning trying to run from the storm.  We were mostly successful - other than a brief period of rain that we traveled through at 40 miles per hour, making it feel like little, cold knives were cutting us all over our bodies.

Near the end of the day I forced Will onto the tube.  He had no idea what was about to happen to him so didn't complain too much.  Well, once the tub got going I realized that we didn't have our weight distributed evenly.  This meant that both Will and I went face first over the tube and into the water.  Making matters worse, the tube then landed on top of us and my leg got tangled in the rope.  We weren't hurt, but Will was hopping mad.

Finally, after hours of floating, Will decided to try it on his own.  He LOVED it!

The next morning, all of the "Bumbalough boys" went down to the water to throw rocks. "Bumbalough boys" is what Lane calls mine and Emily's kids.  Dad refers to Shane's boys as "Bumbalough boys" too - a title to which they strenuously disagree.  

When we got back to our house on Sunday afternoon, Will decided to get sick.  He threw up  all over his bed and my couch. He did let me snuggle with him for hours though. so that was worth the inconvenience and grossness of the vomit.


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