Finn is Ten

It's hard to believe, but Finn is ten (10) years old.  He has been with us for an entire decade.  I hate to use all the clichés (where did the time go, how do I have a ten year old, and just like that he was ten) but they are all clichés for a reason I guess.  I don't really know what to say.  Not because I don't know what to say, but because I have so much to say to you that I don't know how to choose what to say.  

First, I'll say you haven't changed that much since the day you were born. You are sweet son.  You have always wanted to be right in the thick of things. Since the moment we brought you home you have wanted to be right next to me and daddy and you still do today.  When you sit on the couch you sit as close to me as possible.  I have always loved this about you.  You make me feel really special. 

You are a fantastic big brother.  You are so kind a protective of Will.  While you and Sam fight regularly, I have no doubt that he is your best friend.  Continue to be kind to Sam and Will.  They will be the two (2) people in your life that will be with you the longest; longer than your wife;  longer than your children; longer than your parents. 

You are an excellent grandchild. You love your grandparents fiercely - all of them.  They bring you so much joy and I feel confident in saying that the feelings are mutual. 

You are an excellent conversationalist, in part because you are curious about everything, in part because you love to learn, and in part because you are so smart. You are so much fun to talk to. You are so generous with your conversations - you always want to know my thoughts on the matter. 

You are have a witty sense of humor and put it to use in creative ways liking making up stories and drawing comics. 

You love art class and piano lessons. You also enjoy basketball and love collecting Laker's gear. Your 4th grade teacher calls you a renaissance man. 

You have a beautiful and natural smile.  Your smile is welcoming and sincere.  Smile often.  It is one of your greatest features.  

You are so wise for such a young man and you seem to grasp important truths with ease.  Your memory and recall amazes me.  While you make mistakes and you certainly have made poor decisions, you recognize those decisions, and you tell the truth. 

You feel deeply. 

Right now you are into Mr. DaMaio, Captain Underpants, The Dairy of the Wimpy Kid, The Lakers, Fortnite, Michael the Cat Videos, you like watching "the Office" with me, Angry Birds, and Avengers End Game.  You are the quintessential ten year old. 

I love you so much. I am so thankful for the opportunity to get to know you, to get to spend time with you, to get to laugh with you, to get to hug you - you give the best hugs. I am blessed to be your mom. 

For Finn's 10th birthday we had the family over for lunch and presents.

Emily trying on Finn's Mr. DaMaio pants.


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