House of Cards

On a whim, we accepted an invitation to go to "House of Cards" with our friends CJ and Jody.  They invited us along with the Claytons, and another couple with whom they attended college (Ethen and Cassandra). You can't take photos inside the venue so we shoved into the only acceptable photo spot.

"House of Cards" is one of the best dining experiences I have ever had. First, the dress code was very strict; the men were required to wear diner jackets. A nice change of pace from going out in jeans.  Next, the food was really good.  I had a steak.  Third, they had a piano that played anything that you request.  I requested "I Guess That's Why They Call Them the Blues" by Elton John. Fourth, they have magicians stationed in nooks all over the restaurant so that you can watch/participate while you wait.  Fifth, they offer a magic show in the main theater, Sixth they have a great terrace for relaxing. Finally, the women's bathroom is really neat.    

The magic show after dinner was really fun.  We saw Evan the Great.  Michael and I were selected to help him on stage.

Even though it was really expensive, it was a great experience and I enjoyed the company our friends so much.


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