Will’s Bleeding Heart

Being the youngest of three brothers, Will often has unexplained bumps, bruises and in this case scratches.  One day last week, Will crawled in bed with me and told me that his heart was bleeding. He was very torn up about his "bleeding heart."  He then proceeds to show me the source of his distress. It's terrible, isn't it? 

Lately, Will has taken to working puzzles.  He is pretty good at them too.

In this picture Will is wearing a Star War's t-shirt.  Will has become very picky about his attire, opting to wear only his Thanos shirt or is "Man of Dalorian"  shirt.  Since Will's only Star Wars reference is the Disney Plus show "the Mandalorian", he calls his Stars Wars shirt his "Man of Dalorian" shirt.  If I weren't so frustrated with his very limited wardrobe selection, I would find it to be precious.

And last, Will is beginning to let his opinion on topics of the day be known.  Last week as we were driving home from church Sam asked Finn to turn on Sponge Bob which led to an insignificant fight about how this was to be accomplished.  At the conclusion of said fight, Will said, "Finn, you're a good man."


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