DA Cross Country

As a Fifth Grader, Finn was able to participate for the first time in organized school sports at Davidson Academy.  In order to get in shape for other sports, Michael felt that it would be a good idea for Finn to run Cross Country. 

Cross County practice began during the summer months.  The kids practiced every Monday through Thursday during the week.  Once school began they continued this same practice routine - but after school.  This caused quite a schedule stir for our family as Sam and Will were released from school at 3:00 and Finn did not finish practice until 4:30.  This meant that I regularly picked Finn up from practice. While the drive was not particularly fun, I really enjoyed my alone time in the car with Finn.  We were able to talk about a lot of thing in rush hour traffic.  We discussed politics, spiritual matter, bullies, relationships with friends, silly stuff and everything in between. I remember one day being astonished that he had never heard of 9-11. So spent our entire ride home discussing the events of September 11th. Finn is a great conversationalist. 

Cross Country was challenging for Finn - emotionally.  It was the first time that he was faced with really pushing himself and facing his anxiety.  To be really honest, I did not enjoy the first half of the season. Finn spent his first few meets tied up in debilitating nerves.  Finn always practiced really well.  He ran hard in practice and earned a spot in the first 7 runners.  But his nerves caused him to crash hard during the actual meets.  This meant many frustrating car rides home that ended in lots of tears.  When at our wits end, we ended up taking him to the Babb Center for some anxiety therapy with Tara Sweeten.  Finn responded well to Ms. Sweeten's suggestions and whether it was her techniques or just getting more comfortable with the process, by mid season, Finn had improved significantly both emotionally and physically.  He had improved his overall time as well.  I seem to remember his best time being 15:38 - he improved by more than 4 minutes.  One time he actually ran out of one of his shoes.  Instead of panicking, he just kept running - with one shoe off.  I thought Michael would die.  One of the girls on the team, pulled his shoe out of the  mud, found him on the course and gave him his shoe.  He put it back on and kept going. 

By the end of the season, I can thankfully report that Finn really enjoyed his time at Cross County - both at practice and at meets.  He was no longer debilitated by nerves and had made some good friends. He was nowhere near the strongest runner  - but he faced his anxiety and gave his best.  I know that Michael and I both spent much time in prayer over this child. We are so thankful to the Lord for allowing Finn to enjoy his time as a member of a team.  He is excited to run strong next year. 

This photo was taken at the Wilson County fairgrounds. Most of their meets were either at the Hermitage or at the Wilson County Fairgrounds.  


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