Singing with Sam
This week Sam is home on his second ten (10) day quarantine of the month. To put this in perspective, Sam has been in school since August 5th - today is August 31st. He has spent more time at home this school year than at school thus far. This is not the point of this post, but it is the backdrop.
Today, Sam rode with me to drop Finn and Will off at school. As per our usually, we dropped Will off first at Beech and then dropped Finn at DA. On our way to school we listened to the Bible Recap - Ezekiel 16-17 explaining how the Israelites loved the Father's gifts more than they loved the Father. Sam had several questions.
After dropping Finn off at DA, Sam and I stopped at Dunkin' Donuts next to the school to get coffee and hot chocolate. The line was terribly long so we sat in the car watched a music video that he and I made together. It was a time lapse video all about Sam Begley set to music (Carry Me). The photos started when he was a baby and gradually moved to present day. It is a sweet video that Sam and I put a lot of care into making.
After watching the video a couple of times, Sam had a few questions about the lyrics to the song. From this discussion, launched a discussion about how much Sam appreciated Jesus. I can't put into words the how precious this discussion was and how I think that Sam is beginning to grasp the truth of mercy and grace. Sam sat next to me in the car (yes, he was in the front seat), and with tears streaming down his face, told me how thankful he was that Jesus took our penalty so that he never had to suffer eternal death.
Then he told me about the songs that he likes to sing at church. I grabbed my phone and turned those songs on YouTube. We drove in the car together and sang praise and worship to the Lord. Sam sang from the pit of his soul. He sang loud and joyful. At one point when he was singing "Glorious Day" he grabbed my hand and started squeezing it. I looked over and saw tears streaming down his face while he sang about running out of the grave. Again he told me how thankful he was for Jesus. I could barely hold it together. To see my sweet child so overcome with love and appreciation for his Redeemer.
When we got home, he asked if we could pull in the driveway and sing a few more songs. It was one of the most special moments I have ever spent with Sam.
We spent much of the rest of the day in the playroom. I worked from home. He did homework and played WWE 2K 20. It was a good day.

Sam always wants to take a silly picture.

We spent much of the rest of the day in the playroom. I worked from home. He did homework and played WWE 2K 20. It was a good day.
Sam always wants to take a silly picture.
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