Bittersweet: Finn's Last Day at JTs.

Photo: Finn's last day. JT & his best bud have been together from an early age. Thanks to my friends for allowing me to care for him. #bestfriends 
Thursday was Finn's last day at Victoria and JT's house.  I was so busy during the week that I didn't have time to really sit and reflect on how a major part of Finn's life is coming to an end.  Finn's first day with Victoria was Janurary 4, 2010.  He was three and a half months old.  Having Victoria has been such a blessing to our family.  Michael and I have had peace of mind while at work that Finn is well taken care of, safe and loved.  Finn had a best friend JT.  Finn and JT have been partners in crime for all of their lives. 

On Wednesday night when we were kissing Finn goodnight, Michael said, "you need to get lots of sleep for your last day at JTs house."  This statement hit be hard.  It hit me even harder when I pulled into the driveway Thursday afternoon.   

On the way out Victoria gave Finn a bit hug and I started to tear up.  When I put Finn in the car he asked me to roll down the window.  He waved and said "bye JT" as always.  This is when the shoulder shaking crying began (in fact I am tearing up just writing about it). 

It has been a wonderful four (4) years and I can't express enough how thankful we are for the Apedaile family. 

His first day ever at JT's house.  This was actually in December.  I had something small to take care of before returning from maternity leave.



  1. Thank you Victoria. I am so thankful that Erin had such a wonderful Christian woman taking care of my grandson. You have been a God send.


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