Little Chef

Today was a very productive day.  This morning the boys were up at 7:30.  Finn came in our room at 7:00 and fell asleep in our bed until 7:30.  It is so nice to sleep late on Saturdays.  When we got up both boys wanted pancakes.  While I was making pancakes Finn asked me if we were going to stay home all day today.  I told him yes. He said ever so pitifully, "good - I am so sad about not being able to stay home all day anymore."  I guess the five (5) day week is starting to get to Finn.

After breakfast Finn's draw to musical theater reared its head in full force.  He asked me if we could "play the Mother Knows Best song."  To Finn this means acting out the song.  He was so particular.  First he would play Mother Gothel and I played Rapunzel - every other time we switched roles.   He was very thorough with staging (he told me exactly where I could and could not stand), creative movement (he told me when to hugs, pat his head, etc.) and he corrected my lines.  We went back and forth like this for 30 minutes.

Finn saw me sitting on the counter talking to mom this morning and decided that this is a "must."  After crawling up he found a bag a pretzels that Michael brought home from a CLE.

The rest of the day was so busy.  We cleaned out the boy's closets, the attic, the hall closet, the playroom and the garage.  We dropped off 12 bags at the Goodwill. Goodwill day is one of my favorite days of the year.  For Finn Goodwill day is full of heartache.  As we were sitting in the garage sorting bags, Finn noticed that one of the plastic garbage bags looked like it had toys in it.  Finn starts to question what is in the bag.  I was purposefully vague.  Finn caught on.  He then starts to cry uncontrollably.  I assumed that I had decided to donate something that Finn couldn't live without and asked him, "Finn what toy are you so upset about"  He responds, "whatever toy is in that bag."  He had no idea what was in the bag, but was heartbroken nonetheless.  We had a long talk about how fortunate Finn is and how nice it is to help other people. Finn bawled all the way through my little teaching moment and at the end came to the conclusion that it is in fact better to receive than to give.  No toys were retrieved from the bag.

The garage looks so much better.  When I was all finished Finn thanked me for cleaning up the garage.  As a part of cleaning up the garage we had to carry off an enormous pallet.  We don't have a truck so we decided to carry the pallet to be big dumpster at the end of the road.  Since both boys were up we had to think outside the box.  We decided to put both boys in the "Arctic Cat."  Finn drove and Sam sat shotgun.  They rode right next to me and Michael and we walked that pallet up to the dump.  At one point Finn got a head of us.  Then he turned around and looked back at us.  We could tell that if he didn't start paying attention that he would take out our neighbor's mailbox.  We start yelling "FINN - TURN AROUND!"  Sure enough, he ran smack dab into the mailbox, running over decorative bricks and flowers on his way.  Seeing no damage we decided to sneak away as quickly as possible.  This proved difficult as the arctic cat sounds like a jet landing.

When we got back Sam drove the little lawnmower.  Yes, he is in a long sleeved shirt (it was 92 degrees today) and his diaper.  Parents of the year right here.

Next Sam and I made a second trip to Goodwill and then we stopped at the store to get food for Michael's draft party.  Sam becomes so affectionate at the store.  All he wants to do is hug and kiss me - and when he hugs me he hugs for several, several seconds and then he follows up with a big kiss right on the mouth.   Today Sam leaned over and attempted to bite my finger.  I stopped the cart and said, "Son, you will rue the day."  An elderly couple overheard my threat and broke into laughter. They were impressed that Sam knew what "rue" meant. 

When we got home Finn helped me make cookies. This week Finn has been obsessed with the Disney movie Ratatouille and was really excited to be my "little chef."  As we were mixing I let Finn take small tastes.  I noticed that Finn was trying to take a bite of flour.  I told him that he wouldn't like it but he didn't listen.  He got a horrible look on his face and spit the flour out - it came millimeters from landing in my bowl of dry ingredients.   When we were finished mixing Finn took a bite of the batter.  Like on Ratatouille I asked Finn what ingredients he could taste.  He looked pensive and said, "vanilla."  Such a sweety.

In other news, Finn said his memory verse at school on Friday.  As a reward we stopped for ice cream on the way home.

As for Sam, he individually dipped all my makeup in the commode this week. I walked in to find him swirling my blush compact around the bowl.  I am happy to report that it all dried out just fine. 


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