Open House

Thursday night was the Open House at Finn's new school, "Hendersonville Christian Academy."  We went straight to the open house from JT's house.  We met Daddy there at 5:15. The first thing Finn saw was the indoor play area/gym.  This room also has a projector for movies on the wall.

We were greeted in the hallway by Finn's teacher Ms. Jennifer.   She introduced herself to Finn and Finn immediately started acting silly.  This only last a few second though.  He told her his name and responded sweetly to her questions.  She showed Finn his cubby.

Next we walked into the main room.  This room has a play kitchen and few other fun things for the kids to do.

I think there are six (6) kids in the three (3) year old class. There is another Griffin in the class - but he goes by Griffin. Griffin is a twin and we met his parents at the open house.  We learned after talking to them for a long time that they lived a few door down from us.

After seeing the main room we went to see the "Three Year Old Classroom."  Finn immediately found the dinosaurs and started playing.  He agreed to play in his classroom by himself while Michael and I went upstairs to fill out the necessary paperwork.   While we were signing Gran and Uncle David arrived. 

Sam and a good time playing in Finn's room too.

While we were upstairs we learned that the kids will be eating "family style" this year.  They will learn to set the table, pass and dip food and will learn their table manners.  I think this is such a good idea. They will be feeding all the kids lunch everyday and will also provide two (2) snacks.

Uncle David and Sam pointing to Finn's name - which I accidentally cut out of the picture.

We are really excited about HCA.  It is cozy, quaint and not too intimidating.  This is Finn's speed.  I was worried about him a little bit. When we went to Davidson Academy he cried the saw the school - he thought it was too big.  When I told him that we were going to see his new school he said, "but we are only going to look, right?  Then we are going home."  Finn's reaction to his new school was good; he didn't seem scared of his teacher, he played by himself while we were upstairs and he warmed up to the rooms quickly.  I think this will be a good fit for the Finnster.

After the open house we met Gran and Uncle David at Zaxby's for supper. 


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