Kings of Leon

Last year for my 33rd birthday Michael got me "Kings of Leon" concert tickets.  The concert was this weekend.  Since we had enough Hilton Points for a free nights stay at the Downtown Hilton, we decided to make a night out of it. 

Actually, we made a whole day out of it.  Michael came home from work at around noon to work out.  After he had worked out we went to Mellow Mushroom for lunch.  I had the Cosmic Karma and it was delicious.  I normally don't get too close to anything with the word "karma" in it - but the pesto was too hard to resist.  Next we made a quick stop to Greenhills Mall to return something.  I am sooooo glad that I don't live anywhere near Greenhill's Mall - that place is depressing. 

Next we checked into our hotel room - thanks to our Hawaii trip and our gold status we were able to upgrade to a suite.  We relaxed a few minutes before getting ready for the concert. 

I was really excited about the concert - I have loved KOL since the 6th Harry Potter movie came out - which was about 2009.  They did an interview with all of the kids from Harry Potter and asked them all who their favorite band is.  7 out of 10 said Kings of Leon.  I had never heard of Kings of Leon so I looked them up.  The rest is history.  And, no they are not a kids band (even though admittedly my story makes it sound like they are) - most everyone at the concert was our age. 

At 8:00 we walked across the street to Bridgestone Arena.  It was really cold outside so it was so nice to just walk across the street. 

As usual, Michael and I couldn't quite navigate the building so we stopped at the elevators to ask an arena employee where to go.  She told us that we could take the elevator to our section.  Standing at the elevator was of the band members wives. I recognized her because she is a "Victoria Secret" model and therefore drop dead gorgeous. 

We found out seats fairly quickly and sat down to listen to the opener - Gary Clark Jr.  He was really good.  After he finished they turned the house lights back on for a good twenty minutes.  During that time the girl sitting next to me gave me the 411 on the band and then took our picture. 

This was suppose to be our "goofy" picture.  Michael and I are bit too old for goofy pictures - but our "photographer" insisted.  We did out best. 

View of the stage from our seat.  We were the first row in our section so we didn't have to worry about people standing up in front of us.  

The concert started about 9:00 - it was so great!  They sound better live than they do on the albums. I think that I had permanent, stupid grin on my face the entire time. They have so many good songs and I liked almost everything they played.  

After the concert was over we walked across the street for a snack at the Grille attached to our hotel.  Michael had buffalo tenders and I had hot fudge sunday. 

A few pictures from our room. 


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