Easter 2014

Today is Easter Sunday morning.  Before church we all ate breakfast together.  Finn was so excited about getting to eat eggs and donuts for breakfast.

After breakfast, the boys opened their Easter baskets.  We got them both rubber band shot guns, finger paints, and Peeps.  The Peeps were a huge hit.

Next we took our obligatory Easter pictures.

We went to church with Gran and Pa.  David and Aunt Sharon were there as well.  Finn and Sam both went to Children's Church and made marshmallow tomb treats.  From what I gather, you wrap the marshmallow in a crescent roll and then when you cook the crescent, the marshmallow cooks away, signifying the empty tomb.  The teacher brought all the kids back into the auditorium to show the adults.  When the teacher asked what happened to the marshmallow, Finn yells out, "We ate it."

After a quick nap, we went over to Gran and Pa's for dinner.  Before eating the boys opened their Easter baskets.

Finn got a "silly Rabbid."
Uncle David helping Sam open his Finn McMissile.
Then the boys hunted eggs.

After the hunt, the boys played "Dog pile Uncle David."

To top it off, David and Sharon came over to watch Game of Thrones.


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