Keep Judge Brown

For the past several months, I have served on "The Committee to Re-Elect Judge Barry Brown."  Judge Brown is the Juvenile Court Judge in Sumner County, Tennessee, and is a wonderful Judge.  It is very important to me that Judge Brown be reelected, so when I learned that we were going to the park to watch Addison play baseball, I turned my children into walking billboards.

Both children were very excited about the prospect of going to the game, but when we got there the only thing they were interested in was the concession stand. They had popcorn, icecream, Skittles, and suckers.

After the game, we all went to Firehouse for lunch.  Sam ate three (3) pickles.  

Once home, Finn and I took a long nap together.  I think that I slept about 2 hours it was heavenly!

Later than evening Finn, Sam, Michael, Gran and Sandy went for a walk on the walking track.  Finn took his bicycle and Sam rode in the wagon. 


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