First Day Back to Work and School

Well the boys went back to school on Monday. Somewhere the Hallelujah Chorus is playing. Man I was pumped. I had an entire weeks worth of work to catch up on and I was rip, roarin', and ready to tackle it. Then I got this picture from Ms. Cindy at the boy's school. So pitiful. Ms. Cindy told me that Sam was running a fever of 102 and must be picked up. WHAT! My sweet, precious, youngest child, whom I love dearly couldn't give me one lousy day back in the working world before he decided to turn all sick and pitiful. It was a good thing that Ms. Cindy sent me that picture, because if she hadn't, I would've had a right mind to just leave him there. But oh that picture was just heartbreaking. He was even more heartbreaking in person. I walked in the building and immediately heard his desperate cry. He cried even harder when he saw me. Once we got home Sam wouldn't leave my side. I sat in the glider and r...