Yo Mama jokes

On Friday Grandad and Gigi came to spend the night.  After picking the boys up from school we headed over to Demo's to carbo-load for the 15k the next morning.  Once we got back to the house Grandad and Sam looked through the Disney World book that Gigi made.  Sam was so excited to see the pictures.  He was most excited about a picture of me and Finn inside "Bruce's" mouth.  Grandad nudged Sam and said, "Sam, did Bruce eat your mother?" Sam immediately hopped up and walked over to Finn and said, "Hey Finn, did you hear about Bruce? Bruce just are your Mudder" (Mother).  Admittedly, it's not the best "yo mama" joke, but its not too bad for a three year old.

Since we no longer have a guest room, Finn and Sam slept on the futon in the playroom.  They slept surprisingly well.


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