Valentine's Day

While we were at the Hot Chocolate Run, Finn and Sam spent Valentine's Day morning with Gran.  They had a special Valentine's breakfast.

They opened their Valentines - Finn got super hero undies and a John Cena action figure.  Sam got an big Batman action figure.

Later than day Gran took the boys to their friend from school Caleb's birthday party.  They were so excited when they got home.  Sam came running in yelling, "look at my attitude."  He meant tattoo - fake, of course.  Finn proved to be a little nervous about the tattoos.  As he was watching Caleb get tatted up, he said, "Caleb doesn't know that the tattoo won't come off."  Caleb's mom told Finn that these tattoos would wash off.  Finn responds, "well my mom's tattoos don't come off."  Once he was sure he wouldn't be permanently branded, he was very excited to participate in the tattooing. 

Finn, with his best friend Jack,  Sam, with Jack's little brother John Matthew.

The love of Sam's life. Gran reported that Sam spent at least 20 minutes with this blow up Rafael.

After the party, Gran brought the boys home and Sam took a nap while Finn played.  For our little family Valentines we ordered heart shaped pizza from Jets and watched the Justice League lego movie. 


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